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Keikos Cake And Pastry Friends

Updated: May 14, 2019

An elegant cake with smooth caramel mousse and orange cream filling. Decorated with chocolate plates and orange jelly glaze. You can use the chocolate plates for other cakes as well…Give Your Family Only The Best

When was the last time you served a cake and your family asked with open-mouthed amazement…

“Where did you buy that?” 

I will show you in a moment that you don’t need to have a magic baking skill to make this happen.

You also don’t need expensive tools for this. I used a simple hand-held mixer, bowls, wire whisk, and pans to make the cakes you see on this page.

And you don’t need fancy ingredients to make most of these cakes. If you can get your hands on butter, flour, sugar, milk, and a few other everyday ingredients, you’re ready to go. Most likely, you have everything you need already in your kitchen…

You Can Start This Baking Journey TODAY

Now YOU can make Chef Keiko’s pastries at home…

Improve Your Baking Skills With Ease

How Does It Work?

Let’s say you want to make an excellent dessert cake for a special occasion. You scroll through the cake gallery on keikos-cake and pick the Strawberry Mascarpone Eclair.It’s a delicious combination of choux pastry with a red crust and a filling of mascarpone/pastry cream with a strawberry jelly center.

And it looks really nice:

You can buy exquisite eclair variations like this in top patisseries in Paris for up to $8 a piece. But now you’re going to make eight of these little beauties in your kitchen at home (instead of spending $64 in the patisserie)… Wow! 

First, you watch the video that comes with the eclair guide. It’s a 15 minute video that shows how Chef Keiko makes these eclairs from start to finish.

You see every step. You see the consistency of the batter and creams. You see all the motions and techniques. You see how you can make these exact eclairs.

Then you take a look at the detailed step-by-step guide for this eclair. The guide comes in pdf format, so you can view it online on your PC or Tablet. You can also download the pdf and make a printout.

The 35-pages eclairs guide contains the detailed recipe and goes through all the steps of making the choux pastry, the red crust, the pastry cream and mascarpone cream filling, the strawberry jelly, and the decoration. You can see every step. This way, you know exactly what to do.

And then… you just make the eclairs.

Share The Stunning Results With Your Amazed Guests

And the Strawberry Mascarpone Eclair is just one of over 150 cakes and desserts that are waiting for you to try. Each one of them comes with a detailed video and step-by-step guide. And new cake guides are added each month.

Question: “But what if my cake doesn’t look so nice and perfect as on your shiny pictures?”

Answer: No problem! You can always just ask the Chef for help! Post your cake pictures in the member forum and Chef Keiko will tell you what went wrong and how to fix it. Isn’t it nice to have a pastry chef give you specific tips how to improve your cakes to perfection?

The Skill Is Yours For A Lifetime

The things you learn and your improved baking skills… you and your family will enjoy the benefits for a long time.

Especially your family, your kids, your partner, your friends… they will be so happy to have someone around who can make such delicious cakes. 

It’s never too late to learn new things and improve your life. You know, even Chefs keep learning new things about baking all the time. The baking journey never ends.

These are pictures from a class for professionals I attended some time ago. We mastered eight extremely delicious cakes in that course. It was a $600 masterclass in Belgium. That’s $75 per recipe… and it was well worth it. 

These are my variations of two of these deluxe treats. Members of keikos-cake find the full guides in the cake gallery.

Come Inside…

Downloadable guides (pdf) with step-by-step instructions. Immediate access to more than 150 cake and dessert guides.

Videos showing how Keiko prepares the cakes. Every cake and dessert comes with a detailed video.

Access to the community forum. Show your cake implementations or ask for help. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a professional patissier answer your pastry questions? 

Frequent updates, new exclusive cake guides and videos. Chef Keiko posts three new videos and cake guides every month.

Downloadable content. Secure the videos and pdf guides on your PC at home. Immediate online access.

Sit back and start watching the cake videos in just a minute.

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